Sacred Space

Sacred Stories

Spiritual direction is the practice of creating space for another, a space of comfort and trust, where we can tell our stories. It is a time to reflect on how God is present in our lives and calling us to a deeper relationship. It is about how God is present in the ordinary - making our stories, sacred stories.

The True Spiritual Director

The image of three chairs is often used as a reminder that God is the true spiritual director. Creating sacred space includes entering into the presence of God through prayer and silence.

Three chairs

Spiritual Direction is not ...

Pastoral counseling, problem-solving, therapy or catechism. Directees are not 'directed' or told to do anything.

Spiritual Companions

Companion comes from the Latin word 'panis' for bread, or one who shares bread with another. Spiritual direction allows two or more to explore and share the bread of life.

Celeste and Tom Deardorff are graduates of the Audire (Latin for 'listen') formation program, sponsored by the Central Florida Foundation for Spiritual Direction.

Contact us to learn more.

Celeste Deardorff

Tom Deardorff

Current Offerings

Spiritual Companion Group

Share your story in a group setting where you can gain insights from the stories of others and experience the presence of the Spirit in community.

Individual Spiritual Direction

Meet in a one-to-one setting with a spiritual companion who can help listen to the Spirit who is active and present in our lives.